Highway Maintenance - Waltham Abbey/Upshire

This petition is to be submitted to the Highways Dept of Epping Council and also the local MP Eleanor Laing.
I am sourcing as many supportive signatures as possible to campaign against the fact the all the major B roads and residential roads within the area of Waltham Abbey and Upshire are not winter treated with grit and salt.
Recently, since the bad weather of minus 2-4 degrees, many of the roads have become trecherous with the driving conditions. In particular Upshire Road and Woodgreen road, where there are daily accidents because of the dangerous conditions of the roads due to the water and ice on them.
There is only ONE public Salt/Grit bin within the area. Located on Honey Lane. We need more in the 'hotspot' areas. If the council arent prepared to treat the roads, at least give the local residence the option and facilities to do so.
Please support this campaign ASAP so we have safer driving conditions which are URGENTLY needed.
Many thanks,
Donna Green
local resident since 1996