Cyber Bullying
High Society 0

Cyber Bullying

13 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
High Society 0 Comments
13 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Anti-Bullying Contract According to High Society's Tradition of Diversity, our sisters come from all over the country and from all backgrounds. We look for variety among our admitted sisters because we believe it makes for a robust and exciting environment. We look for sisters with different life experiences, socioeconomic backgrounds, professional experiences, and professional goals. We want all kinds of sisters who can represent all kinds of people. In order to represent all kinds of people and uphold said robust and exciting environment, the Magnolias of High Society will never encourage or participate in bullying of any kind. This contract serves to prove a Magnolia's knowledge about the definition of and consequences for bullying, and to inform them of High Society's policy regarding aggressive and inappropriate behavior among the Second Life populace. By signing this contract, {Magnolia's Name}, understands that: Bullying can be physical, verbal, or emotional. Bullying consists of, but is not limited to: name-calling, violence, theft, rumors, exclusion, threats, intimidation, put-downs and pranks,exposing pictures, leaking RL information. People should all be treated with courtesy and equality regardless of age, gender, race, religion, orientation, size, disability, intelligence, athletic ability or popularity. Magnolia pledges to uphold the following rules: To abide by the High Society's policy concerning bullying and harassment. To refuse to participate, condone, or encourage bullying of any kind. To stand up for victims of bullying. To encourage others to treat all people with respect and courtesy. To help make Second Life a place where everyone feels safe, heard, and respected. Student understands that any incidents of bullying will result in the following consequences: 1 report of bullying: o Written Warning 2 reports of bullying: o Probation (acceptance pending on letter of why dismissal should NOT be eminent) 3 reports of bullying: o Removal ________________________________________ ( Signature) ________________________________________ (Date)

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