The Suwannee Valley Needs High-Speed Internet
Jon Little 0

The Suwannee Valley Needs High-Speed Internet

Jon Little 0 Comments
3456 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative (SVEC) plans to build a 100% fiber high-speed internet network throughout its service territory which includes the rural areas of Hamilton, Lafayette, Suwannee, and northern Columbia counties. That network will offer consumers symmetrical upload and download speeds of up to 2 gigabits per second, providing numerous benefits such as:

  • Access to invaluable educational resources and opportunities for students of all ages.
  • The ability for communities to maintain and expand business opportunities and stimulate job growth.
  • Work-from-home interoffice connectivity and videoconferencing capabilities.
  • Access to telemedicine, which can provide high-quality healthcare and treatment without the added cost and inconvenience of travel.
  • Enhanced experiences with online entertainment.

SVEC is a consumer-owned, community-focused organization created by residents and community leaders in 1937 to bring reliable and affordable electricity to the Suwannee Valley when existing utilities would not. In the same spirit, SVEC once again endeavors to provide for a vital unmet need in our community.

I strongly urge you to do everything you can to support SVEC’s efforts to bring access to reliable and affordable high-speed internet to the homes, farms, and business of the Suwannee Valley.

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