High need for conducting KSLU final semester exams in ONLINE MODE due to Covid-19 pandemic.
The Vice-Chancellor
Karnataka State Law University, Hubli.
Respected Sir,
Subject - petition for conducting "online examinations" for the "final semester" students.
Through this petition, we, your students at various law colleges affiliated to Karnataka State Law University, Hubli requests you to please conduct the examinations for the "final semester" students in "online mode" seeing the current pandemic situation. This ongoing disastrous situation in Karnataka due to Covid-19 pandemic makes it highly essential that the compulsory "final semester" exams must be conducted in "online mode". Conducting the exams in offline or the usual mode has high risk of infection which can result in fatal consequences.
We have always taken our studies at a very serious note and we are willing to perform well in the examinations as it is our duty. And, as its also a mandate by the Central Government and The University to assess final semester students with examinations. However, the thought of writing offline exams at the risk of our lives is breathtaking.
The situation of Covid-19 in Bangalore is becoming adverse day by day. And, there are many colleges in the capital city affiliated to KSLU. Because of this, many students need to travel in Bangalore which is considered as the Covid-19 hotspot due to the growth in the total number of Covid cases. It's really scary for the students to travel in Bangalore for writing exams.
Many of your students are also from other states and they will need to come back to Karnataka if the exams take place in the usual mode. Travelling increases the risk of infection of virus not only for the travelling students but also for the residents of their place of destination. Also, there has been many students amongst us who have got negatively affected either financially or physically by the pandemic or the other natural disasters that has been happening at various parts of India. Travelling to Karnataka for writing offline exams will be very difficult for such students during the current times. Managing for accommodation will also be a challenging task for the students who had vacated their houses before leaving Karnataka. Also, there are practically many students who might not be able to attend the exams as they are living in the restricted Covid-19 zones being made by the authorities in Bangalore and in other cities of India. The self-quarantining mandate for outside state residents will also be a difficulty for those living on their own. After all this difficulty and the risk we will take for life if we turn out to be Covid positive, who will take its responsibility?
Our parents are very concerned for their wards life because our university is not taking a similar action to conduct the exams in online mode like various other state universities.
Risk of infection is our major concern. Not only the student's health is at stake but also of the people who are involved in conducting examinations if you persist to conduct it in the offline mode.
We request you to consider this petition and choose any other method to conduct the examinations for final semester except the offline method. Either you may be pleased to choose online exams or assignment submission as a method for the assessment of the final semester students.
This petition has been signed by your students in large number to make you realize that it's not our wish but a high need to expect the exams being conducted in the online mode. As we all want to become great lawyers but not at the risk of our lives.
Thank you so much.
With a hope that you will understand our concern.
Obediently yours'
Students at KSLU.