Allow the ability to trade player heroes on AOWE
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Allow all players to trade their heroes with other players. Many players like to collect certain heroes or have a specific lineup of heroes that they cannot obtain from normal Tavern or Gold recruitment. Those signing this petition would like this feature to be implemented, and will agree to certain stipulations , rules, and limits so as not to abuse this feature.
Sample/Ideal rules include:
-Limit 2-3 trades per month
-Limit 3 to 5 traded heroes per two people (Ex. PlayerX trades with PlayerY a max of only 3x)
-Trading can only begin once a player reaches a certain prestige.
-Trading of similar level heroes only (cannot trade a level 50 hero for a level 1 hero)
-Alliance trades are free. Non-alliance trades are 10 gold.
-Special "Player Tavern" where players can sell heroes to other players. for gold (with other limits, rules, or stipulations).
-Attack/Defense/Leadership/Restraint gems are not included in the trade.
-Option for 1 item such as weapons/armor/medal/etc. to trade with the hero.