Keep Herom and Blain in this country!!
Jo Davidsoon 0

Keep Herom and Blain in this country!!

74 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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74 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Herom is a female 21 year old Ethiopian refugee. She has a british born baby girl named Blain who was born with brain damage and reflux problems, meaning she is fed through a tube inserted into her nose and through to her stomach. Blain cannot walk or sit up and has a big medical team working around her. She is waiting for Great Ormond Street Hospital to issue a surgery date to insert tubes into her stomache in the hope she may be able to start feeding in a regular way. I work with Herom and her daughter Blain as support and know just how hard and stressful Heroms life is. She is with the babys father who is from the same country. He works very long hours to help support his partner and child. Herom is the main carer of her daughter and although Blain is allowed to stay in the country, Herom has been refused the right to stay. This means that Herom has one of two heart wrenching choices. Take her very sick child back with her, Or leave Blain in England with her father, who would then have to give up work and claim benefits to support himself and Blain. If Herom takes Blain she will have none of the recources or medical equipment or medication which is essential to keep Blain alive, Therefore she is being more or less forced to be seperated from her child, as no loving mother will endanger her childs life and instead is having her heart torn in two. I ask you to sign this petition to try to stop Herom being deported on the grounds that it will violate her human rights and the human rights of her baby daughter Blain. Thank-you for taking the time to read this.

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