Fair Treatment of Herman Cain by Fox
Pat Sarver 0

Fair Treatment of Herman Cain by Fox

80 signers. Add your name now!
Pat Sarver 0 Comments
80 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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the goal is 2,000 signatures

Herman Cain has a presidential exploratory committee and is considering a serious run for Pres in 2012. He has won several straw polls recently and has a growing support base.He's been a key note speaker at several recent conservative events such as C-pac,Conservative Pac and soon will address the 2011 Republican Leadership Conference.It seems that Fox[news] has all the other potential candidates on several times while Mr Cain has been given sparse time. He finally appeared on the Factor but not to be interviewed by Bill O' Reilly himself.It was a sub-Juan Williams. Donald Trump was granted an interview that was edited and will run for 3 nights on the O'Reilly Factor.Sean Hannity also interviews candidates.I've seen Mr. Cain on this show a very few times.The other potential GOP candidates have been on far more frequently. Unfortunately Mr Cain does not have the name recognition of a Donald Trump or candidates who have previously run or held prominent office.However,Mr Cain could have name recognition if he were given fair treatment by the media.We are asking that Herman Cain be given this fair treatment.

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P. "Boxerpaws" Sarver


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