Jon Lake 0

The Henley Neighbourhood plan is seriously flawed

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Jon Lake 0 Comments
23 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Although I have voted in favour of the Neighbourhood plan, I have done so largely to avoid the process being taken out of local hands and 'given back' to SODC.

However I have grave reservations about the NP in its present form

1) Because it includes site allocations that I oppose, and/or

2) Because it fails to include some more suitable sites, and/or

3) Because it fails to provide a meaningful solution to the problems of traffic congestion and through traffic, without which 400-500 new houses will impose to great a strain on existing infrastructure, and/or

4) Because I have no confidence that Henley Town Council is properly in control of the process, nor that it will take account of concerns and/or opposition.

My vote should therefore not be taken as providing a mandate for the existing NP as it stands, in its entirety, but rather as a simple approval of the concept of making local planning decisions locally.

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