Help for 99rs

I have been unemployed since Sept 11, 2008. Out of thousands of resumes I had three calls. One resulted in a second interview yet someone else got the job. I assume it was someone younger who they could pay less money to. The other two resulted in interviews but no explanation, response to my followup letters, not even a no thank you received by me concerning the positions. Age discrimination has played a significant role in not being able to land a job. Most of us are in our late 40s, 50s and 60s. That, coupled with being over qualified for any low paying job we apply for is destroying the baby boomer middle class. Lately, there have been temporary agencies that have told us their clients do not want to hire anyone that has been unemployed for a long period of time. What are we supposed to do? I have two more checks and then I am done. I have already lost my apartment and live in a motel. Without checks I will not be able to reside here either. I have no family that can take me in. I live with my daughter and her son. She is a student who was told their were no funds for her schooling so she is on her own yet other students in her class are getting help. When she inquired about this they said (after telling her there were no funds available) that she shouldnt have started on her own and they can not help her. She will be done in 8 months and in the meantime had to turn to the welfare system to support herself and her son while still looking for a night job. Therefore, my checks pay our $1200 a month to live in a motel. We tried to find a rental but no one will rent to the unemployed. In one month we will be homeless as are many others who have already exhausted their benefits. We desperately need a Tier V to be added. We want to work. We are not happy getting an extremely lower unemployment check and not having healthcare. We are looking for work and it just isnt happening for us. Please help us.