HELP NEW PALTZ: HEalthy Lawn Project New Paltz

SIGN THIS IF YOU ARE A RESIDENT OF NEW PALTZ AND IF YOU HAVE NOT SIGNED A PREVIOUS PETITION CALLING FOR THE SAME THING. Non-NP residents can sign here: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/pesticide-freeNP [ After you sign, a page from iPETITIONS will appear which will inform you that your name has been registered and will then request a donation. Unless you want to give iPETITIONS money, just close the page -- no need to press continue. ] MANY THANKS... We, the residents of New Paltz, believe that it is our birthright to live in as toxic-free an environment as possible; and we think that New Paltz has a right to enact regulations to protect the health and safety of its citizens. That\'s why we support the passing of the proposed Healthy Turf and Landscape Law that will give our local municipality the power to restrict the aesthetic use of lawn-care pesticides in our Town and Village. Lawn-care pesticides