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Help Morrow

49 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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49 people have signed. Add your voice!
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This is to respectfully request the District Attorney of Clayton County to investigate the City of Morrow for mishandling of public funds, including improper use of drug forfeiture funds, tax revenue, law enforcement revenue, state grant money, using public funds for personal use, using public funds for private business use. We also request that the District Attorney would investigate Chief Jeffery C. Baker for OCGA 16-10-20, (Falsifying Official Documents), 16-10-01, (Violation of Oath by Public Officers), 16-11-37, (Terroristic Threats). We also request that your office conduct a forensic Audit for the Police Department Drug Forfeiture accounts and operating accounts, the City of Morrows general fund and other associated accounts, Morrow Business and Tourism Association (MBTA) which is a Georgia non-profit operated under City Manager John Lampl. We also request that your office request copies of commission statements for the millions of dollars in real estate transactions and investigate fair market values of real estate purchases by the City Manager and City of Morrow from past and present city officials. We will include a detail list of all the issues that we are asking your office to assist the tax payers in this matter. We would like to thank you in advance for your prompt attention on this matter and ask that you notify use if you do not have jurisdiction on all or any of these matters and request you forward all information to the proper authority.

Sponsor, the present and past employee's of Morrow, Tax Payers
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