Laura delamere 0

Helping landlords pay no rent through the pandemic

30 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Laura delamere 0 Comments
30 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

This petition is to help pubs local and across Kent for those that are still having to pay rent and struggling with the current crisis..

This petition is to hopfuly reach the government and the company's that still expect rent to be paid.

I believe its our duty to all pull together to help save the landlords and landlady's to manage our local pubs to be able to stay afloat so we as their customers and friends will have a pub to go back too after the pandemic is over... We Al need to help our own these pubs are always open 7 days a week to everyone that wants to be able to enjoy a drink amazing food they provide and most importantly friendship. Please help me by signing this petition so that these pubs will still be standing at the end of this...

If the government and the companies that own these pubs to be rented out by landlords and landladys they can't expect rent to be paid if they arnt making any money. At least let's get the point across they need help. I'm sure many of you know alot of friends or relatives that are in this boat like myself The Swann Inn at little chart is one for me I'd like to try and help keep along with the landlord and landlady... Please please sign and share let's help these pubs. PAY NO RENT untill this is over. Thank you for reading stay strong stay safe!!

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