Hi! Let me tell you about Leo and why we NEED your signatures. In 2006 Leo joined the Army to hopefully better himself and be apart of something bigger. Unfortunately, after Basic and AIT he received a call from the mother of his children telling him that her and his two daughters were homeless and living in a van. Knowing that he had to act, he asked his company for permission to leave to go and pick them up, but was blatantly denied. Seeing he had no other choice, he left and got his children and then immediately returned back to his company at Ft. Hood, Texas. When he returned he was given what is called an Article 15, where for 45 days he was given extra duty and half of his pay was cut. With his income slashed he found it difficult to pay for childcare and when he asked his captain for help, he was told to just bring his children to work (at the company on post) and for them to live in his barracks room with him. Family is NOT allowed to be in your barracks room with you after 10pm, so he was facing more trouble if he were to be caught with them in his room. He tried to file for BAH (Basic Housing Allowance), but the waiting list was six months and his company was not willing to help speed up the process. Knowing that the situation was inappropriate for his daughters, he left once more to take them to his hometown, Amarillo, Texas. As his mother was unable to watch them 24/7 for him to be able to return to his company in Ft. Hood, he stayed and got a job so he could take care of Alyssa and Kaitlyn. In 2007 he was picked up on an AWOL charge and returned to Ft. Hood where he was informed that he was going to face 15 to 20 years in prison. Scared and without anyone to direct, or help him, as his company just didn't seem to care, he fled once more, this time for himself. In Dec. of 2007 he was once more picked up on the AWOL charge and returned, again to Ft. Hood. For 8 months he waited, working at his company, and doing what they asked. On August 11th, he stood before the judge at a General Court Martial and was given a sentence of 15 months with a Bad Conduct Discharge (aka, a felony). The prosecutor only asked for 14 months with no fines or B.C.D. During the time that he was away from Ft. Hood, living a life, he managed to buy a house, find a permanent job, and settle down with a wonderful woman. Now, the system has stripped him and his wife of their life, when all of this would have never had to be had the system helped him when he needed them the most!!! THE MILITARY IS SUPPOSE TO BE ABOUT FAMILY! TO HELP THEIR FELLOW SOLDIERS! SO WHERE WERE THEY!!!! There is a man currently serving time with Leo that went over seas and when he came back, sexually assaulted a woman. This man was given a Other Non Honorable discharge and 8 months in a military prison. Just because this man went over seas he was given clemency and a slap on the wrist. When all Leo was trying to do was get help to help him with his family! PLEASE HELP US TO MAKE A STAND!! PLEASE HELP US TO FREE LEO!!