Help Free Dog The Bounty Hunter

Dog The Bounty Hunter his son LeLand and brother Tim were arrested by U.S. Marshalls. 3 years ago Dog went to Mexico to find and capture Andrew Luster Max Factor Heir. Luster was convicted of date raping 87 women. He escaped and went to Mexico. U.S. Authorities were unable to find him. When Dog captured Luster (with Mexican police assistance) He was later arrested for kidnapping. Him, Leland and Tim were thrown in to jail and held. Luster was handed over to the U.S. The Chapmans used all their money to get this guy and then was refused the reward money. Since then Dog has taken many criminals off the streets. Now we need to help him. We need to let our government know that we stand behind him and an extradition back to Mexico would be a death sentence. Also, while in jail he was denied his blood pressure meds and this could lead to death. LET OUR GOVERNMENT KNOW WE WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS! They are sending a message to all rapist, murderers, kidnappers and child molesters know they run to Mexico and get away with anything. To learn more about this go to aetv.com or freedog.com One more thing the Chapmans are Christians so all your prayers will be appreciated.