Help us stop the townhouse development at 173-177 Dundas St
Stephanie Card Waterdown 0

Help us stop the townhouse development at 173-177 Dundas St

59 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Stephanie Card Waterdown 0 Comments
59 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

**please only sign if you are a resident of Waterdown, Ontario and please include your street name in the comments**

Please help us stop the proposal by Hawk Ridge Homes to build 18 townhouse units on two single-home residential lots at 173-177 Dundas St E in Waterdown. If you are a Waterdown resident who shares our concerns, please sign this petition, thank you!

We are opposed to this proposal for the following reasons:

  • this is a single-home residential area which is reflected in the current zoning
  • the building lot is at the top of a hill which will create issues with water runoff, loss of privacy and loss of sunlight to the adjacent homes
  • the front block of 8 units will be 3-stories high with rooftop terraces which will tower over the surrounding homes, particularly the small bungalow at 181 Dundas Street
  • it will create noise from parking, snow blowers, lawn mowers, air conditioning units etc. which will detract from the surrounding residents being able to enjoy their properties
  • it sets a precedent for future similar developments in this area on single-home lots
  • the driveway is too close to the busy Dundas/Riley intersection which creates traffic safety issues for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists, especially those using the crosswalk to get to schools, parks and the library
  • it will reduce property values of the adjacent homes
  • the developer plans to increase the elevation at the back of the property by 2 metres. This portion of the property is already 2 metres above the adjacent backyards on Riley and Scott streets which will result in the 10 townhouse units at the back of the property being built 4 metres higher than the surrounding homes.
  • for more information please contact and go to

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