Help Us Save Our Home

Our names are Mike and Patty Linfoot, we are BritishRomany Gypsies and have lived in the Chorley area for decades and have been settled in Chorley for more than 3 years.We are very active members of the community,andinvolved incharity workand schools.Ourchildren who are aged 6, 8 and 11 years old, all go to local schools and attend local clubs.
Recently we have been subjected to harassment from a small group of local residents, who feel we do not belong in the community. They have tried to undermine our livelihood, remove our children from social groups and destroy our right to a peaceful family life.
This hostility is because we are Romany Gypsies. We want to preserve our culture whilst being part of the community, as is everyone's right.
We are being evicted. Please support our campaign by signing the petition below:
"We, the undersigned, request that Chorley Council reconsider the decision to evict the Linfoot family from their home. We feel that this would be a breach of their basic Human Rights, denying them the right to a home, their way of life, medical care and education
We fully support the Linfoot family in their efforts to save their home"