C Skinner 0

Be the voice for the animals at MatSu Shelter!

153 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
C Skinner 0 Comments
153 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

To the MSB Assembly

We,the undersigned, are aware of the chronic shortage of staff at the shelter.

There is often a shortage of personnel at the front desk, and it is not unusual to see a long line formed waiting for assistance. When an animal care staff person is absent for a day, the remaining staff has to scramble, pick up the load and manage their already heavy list of duties. Many of the staff that do the CRITICAL day in and day out animal care have non-perm positions, limited hours, and no benefits, therefore insuring a high turnover in staff within some of the most important areas of the shelter.

We advocate for more full time positions be considered for the staff that do daily care of the animals as well as the overworked front desk, dispatch and other positions. The addition of more employees in all areas would be a boost to morale as well as promote job loyalty.

We the undersigned want the assembly to know that the public watches and cares how our tax money is spent. The staff has a demanding, physical and emotional job, and they deserve an adequate pay for the job they do as well as hours to get their job duties done.

We care about the condition and quality of care that our shelter is able to provide to unwanted animals. We ADVOCATE for the staff that desperately needs help and for the animals that have no voice.

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