Bring back legal aid and give the dad's who care a chance
John Butterworth 0

Bring back legal aid and give the dad's who care a chance

55 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
John Butterworth 0 Comments
55 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

For twelve months I have been fighting a losing battle. Using the services of a solicitor when I could afford to, but generally waiting in desperation that things may change for the better with time. Myself and my ex-partner have both acted inappropriately at times. Despite this, knowing that my children are my everything, I'm falling victim to a set of circumstances which render me powerless in the pursuit to see my son. I have no more viable options available, so I'm asking for your help. Not just for me, but for all the other helpless, heartbroken dad's out there who can't afford legal fees. Maybe, just maybe. If enough people could spare us helpless dad's a moment of their time we can bring this to the attention of the government and pray that changes can be made to assist us. I would like to thank you first of all for sparing me your time to read this, but if I could ask for just a little more time to sign the petition I would be forever grateful.

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