Help Stop The Waverly Board From Wasting Our Money

Help stop our Board Members from wasting our money. On Thursday, December 17th the Waverly Board Members voted 4/1 to pay for soundproofing between the gym and the units above. We understand the possible disturbance that common areas pose when situated near residential units. This is something we believe most buyers or tenants would consider before purchasing or renting a particular unit. For instance buying on the PH level just under compressors and motors, or in front of the tennis court would also give reason for added diligence, especially if the resident is sensitive to noise. We live in a condo with different intensities of sounds and vibrations that are particular to certain units. "Buyer Beware" is the legal standard in Florida.
It is understandable that the Board and Management want to accommodate all residents for disturbances, but at what cost to the Association? A $300,00.00 project will cost on average $750 per unit, meaning 1/1 units will pay approximately $542.00 and the 2/2 units between $730.00 to $930.00 per unit.
We want our neighbors to be happy, but do we go to these measures, and legally would this be setting a precedent to remedy future disturbances in other units? What will it cost us to quiet the hum of elevators that some residents of the upper 07 lines have complained about, or the vibration on the PH level, or future possible voices from the new fourth floor deck that may impact the privacy and enjoyment of residents using the balcony or keeping the slider open on nice days?
Under most Florida real estate purchase contracts the Buyer is afforded time for inspections of the unit and due diligence for any building related concerns. "Buyer Beware" and "As Is" are the standard in Florida, therefor putting onus on the Buyer, or the Seller if a know defect was not disclosed on Seller's Disclosure. Why has our Board made this the responsibility of all owners?
We are against the allocation of our money to fund a $300,000.00 soundproofing remedy. If the Board Members continue to move forward with allocation of money for the soundproofing job we as a group will take legal action against The Board personally and collectively.
NOTE. after signing petition a donation page for the petition company itself will come up. Ignore this, it has nothing to do with Waverly or the creator of this petition.
Waverly Owners