Help Stop Syria's War!

The war Syrian citizens are facing today is a major issue. The Syrian war started on March 15, 2011, and has killed 400,000 people. This war is between the president, Bashar Al-Assad, and the Syrian citizens. The citizens in Syria believe that Al-Assad isn't providing care as well as their needs for the people living in Syria. Due to the lack of work the president does to care for the citizens, the citizens decided to protest for Bashar Al-Assad to resign from being the president of Syria. Instead of backing down and accepting what they want, Al-Assad decided to fight back by bombing and destroying anyone and anything that get's in his way. From this war, over 400,000 people have died and 3 million children have been injured and been sent to refugee camps. This war has been causing Syria to experience many different problems that are getting worse and worse, for example, the refugee crisis. The refugee camps in Syria are also not providing enough care for the people that are in it, for example, sanitation, water, etc. At the same time, the war has been leading more and more people to join those refugee camps every day, causing a refugee crisis!. In conclusion, Syria needs our help to stop the war from continues for even more time. It's time to help Syria!.