Help Stop Shark Finning!
Hi, we are a group of students from Phuket International Academy. We are in grade 6. My class is working on a project in Humanities to help stop shark finning. Our deadline is 19th of June, make sure to sign it quickly!
The problem is shark finning, this is a serious problem that is happening around the world. 100 million sharks are killed per year because of humans, and only five humans are killed per year because of sharks. They are killed for their fins and humans make soup out of it, or other seafood dishes.
We are planning to go to several restaurants in Phuket and try to convince them to stop serving Shark Fin soup as a dish. We want this petition to actually help stop shark finning. If you agree with our statement and you want Shark Finning to stop, then please take your time to sign this petition.
If you would like to learn more about shark finning here are a few links to websites about it.
No donations are requested. After you sign this petition, you will be asked to donate, but it is not required. Only a signature is requested, The more signatures we get the better. We are aiming for 1000 signatures. Will you help?