Help stop Mass Incarceration and Life-without-parole
Kathryn Pietz 0

Help stop Mass Incarceration and Life-without-parole

22 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Kathryn Pietz 0 Comments
22 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Please sign this petition in support of David Doppler an inmate at Stillwater DOC who is applying to the commutation board to be released from excessive sentencing.

David was sentenced to life in prison for 1st degree murder. He has served 20 years in prison and has paid over $10,000.00 in restitution working at prison wages which took him approx. 19 years. During his 20 years of incarceration David has been an exemplary inmate who has not let his unfortunate teenage actions be a detriment to his character. David has done much with education and earned many Certificates in various courses and an Associates of Science degree in micro computer technology.

He has adopted a restorative lifestyle and spends many hours with in volunteer work including being a board member for the prisons Restorative Justice group, a teacher/mentor to the prisons Atlantis group, (a chemical dependency program), is a leader in the faith community and Prison fellowship program, and he works effortlessly helping raise funds for Crime Victims through many fundraising efforts. He currently holds the position of on call mentor for the mentally insane.

During his time in prison David has made a positive impact on the lives of many people both inside and outside the walls of Stillwater prison. He has earned the highest recommendations of personal character reference from a past prison warden and a prison employee who is a case manager and correctional officer for thirteen years, both of whom support David’s commutation. In addition he has several letters of support from many inside and outside supporters who have worked directly with him on many projects. We are asking for your signature to support bringing David home as he has been unjustly sentenced and has served his time and accepted full responsibility for his actions. David will definitely have a greater impact on the Restorative Justice world when he can work outside the prison walls and continue to serve those who need his mentoring and guidance.

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