Help Seventeen and NU'EST Leave Pledis

Pledis entertainment has been abusing and miss treating their clients, seventeen and NU'EST.
Seventeen members have been going under pledis' mistreatment for a few years now, approximately over four years. Pledis has been
- Stealing items given to the members by fans
- Actually physically abused them when members spoke in dialect.
- Has killed members hair by over bleaching and over dying.
- And as of late Seventeen members are becoming sickly thin.
NU'EST has been going though similar treatment for over five years now and has been neglected by Pledis.
I want to get NU'EST and Seventeen into a new company all together. I want them to stay as the groups they are but go under a new entertainment company.
I want to help these young men because they mean everything to me, they are the reason I smile along with thousands of other people smile as well. These boys are a lot of peoples happiness and we want what's best for them, please help us.
Will you be willing to help these young men be free of pledis and their harmful environments?