Help Save This Place of Refuge

Over thirty years ago a young working mother with two small children tried to find a peaceful place where she could drop in for prayer and meditation between her work commitments and picking up her children from school. She visited several churches in her area and found them all locked during the day. She was disappointed and saddened at this, and vowed that one day she would create a sacred place where everyone would be welcome, 24 hours a day, to sit in quiet prayer or meditation, irrespective of faith. Since 1985 Kunzang Palyul Choling, a Buddhist temple in Poolesville, MD, USA has fulfilled this vision, by offering a beautiful, spacious and tranquil prayer room that is open around the clock, for everyone needing a place for quiet reflection and spiritual rejuvenation. Although born in Brooklyn to a Jewish/Italian family, that young woman was in 1987 formally recognized as a reincarnate Teacher in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, the first western woman to have this honor. Now known as Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo, and revered by Tibetan Buddhists for her extraordinary engaged compassion, Jetsunma’s activity has expanded to include animal rescue, feeding those in need and establishing a 24 hour prayer vigil for world peace and the end of suffering, which has been unbroken since April 1985 . At this time, however, the Temple and prayer room are closed to public assembly, although the prayer vigil is being maintained by the ordained residents of the Temple and their friends and individuals are still welcome to meditate in the prayer room. We are asking for you to support us to get the Temple fully reopened to the Public as quickly as possible. The Temple was originally built as a private residence. When KPC purchased it in 1985, an application was made for a Use and Occupancy permit, but there was a lapse with follow-up on some requirements. At a recent meeting with the County it was determined that the building does not comply with current standards, and the County has disallowed KPC from hosting public assemblies. This despite the fact that KPC is committed to complying with all regulations, and has already been working with an architect to determine the most cost efficient ways to upgrade the building. In the nearly three decades that the Temple has been in operation there has never had an instance of personal injury claim by either the residents or visitors. We have hosted countless large public gatherings for visiting Tibetan Lamas, and each year welcome busloads of Vietnamese Buddhists on pilgrimage. The Temple offers a unique place of refuge and comfort for uncountable numbers of people, whatever their faith or beliefs. The vision of that young woman looking for a tranquil place of prayer remains as vibrant today as it did those decades ago. We are requesting the County to give us an exception, so that we can remain open to public assembly while we are moving towards completion of the upgrades which will place the Temple in compliance. We are actively fundraising to reach the financial goal which will see the project to completion and continuation of our various classes and events inside the temple is critical to that effort. If you have ever yearned for a place where you would be welcomed day or night to sit in peace, still your mind, and be immersed in beauty and the essence of compassion, please help us. Please sign our petition requesting the County to let us open the Temple to public assembly immediately as we make the necessary upgrades to meet the current standards. Thank you. Our prayers for world peace, kindness and compassion will always remain steadfast.