Freonia Pinto 0

Help save Happy The Bronx Zoo's Loneliest Elephant

33 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Freonia Pinto 0 Comments
33 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Happy is an elephant at the Bronx Zoo and is currently living in a isolated area all alone. Elephants are intelligent and behaviorally complex animals, they should not be kept in captivity. Instead Happy should live in a private sanctuary for elephants. Happy's situation has even drawn attention to wildlife organizations and animal advocacy groups, including In Defense Animals. Elephants are like us humans they need others. Imagine yourself living in complete isolation and not being able to see other people. That is how Happy is currently living. So please sign this petition and hopefully if we get enough signatures happy will finally be happy

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