Help Save Apollo!

Many people have met Apollo. He’s a young, energetic, happy go lucky German Shepherd. Many have seen how he is great with kids. He will immediately drop to his belly waiting for attention from anyone he meets. After 3 years living at Union Pond, (2 of which Apollo has been here, and they have known about him) the office has decided that despite having no complaints about him and no issues with him whatsoever, he is no longer welcome. They gave us the ultimatum that either he must go by Friday 5/31, or my family must move out.
With the incredibly high cost of rent, as a single parent with virtually no time to prepare, locating a new, affordable place to live on such short notice has proven fruitless.
I’m hoping to show just how many people know Apollo and demonstrate how he has made an impact not just on our family, but on the rest of the Union Pond community.
Please take the time to sign the petition to help keep Apollo home.