Help reverse an unfair demotion
Jodi Evendoll 0

Help reverse an unfair demotion

54 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jodi Evendoll 0 Comments
54 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

There are rules and laws that we must all follow in life. Some of them we agree with and some of them we disagree with. What happens when a person is stuck in a position where the decision is not so black and white? Do we follow that "rule" or do we do what we feel is best at that moment in time? Is it fair to get punished for making a decision that is a good decision, but might be against the "rules"? Standards and procedures are great guidelines and help in life. I do not believe, however, that it should be the end all, be all. Michael Evendoll had to make a choice of following the standard operating procedures at work or to listen to the direction of a law enforcement officer. Which one would you do?? Michael chose to listen to the officer and is now being demoted, not down one position, but down two!! This is unfair. He needs our help to reverse this decision. If you believe this is unfair let your voice be heard while helping a great guy.

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