Help Molloy's Undergraduate Nursing Students See Their Professors Prior to Registering for Classes

At the current moment in time, nursing students at Molloy College are not allowed to see who the teacher(s) of some of their most important classes will be. Help us show the Nursing Division how much we want this changed.
This letter is written on behalf of the Molloy College Nursing students who have collectively congregated to express their disconcertment regarding the inability to view professors of classes during the registration period. The students of the Molloy College Nursing program respectfully bring this matter to the attention of administrative faculty to relay the qualms that students face about registration, class professors, and the essence of their education.
First and foremost the Molloy College Nursing students believe that the inability to view professors prior to registration has hindered on academic performance. With the knowledge of different learning styles being widely accepted throughout the educational continuum, one must also take into account that different teaching styles do also exist. The students believe that the inability to view professors has limited their discretion and has allotted students to have a smaller chance to succeed. This argument is rooted in the understanding that different students better adapt and find themselves to thrive best when their the teaching style of the professor is congruent with how they learn best. While the basis of this argument is teaching and learning styles, the students of the Nursing Program understand that classes have limited seating and there is very much a possibility that students will not attain the class of their choice but also hold firm the idea that they would rather be able to view their professors and make an informed decision while selecting their classes than leaving things up to luck.
Additionally, the Molloy College Nursing students collectively question the nature of the regulation policies, as students are granted the ability to be knowledgeable of aforementioned class information prior to registration. The professor of said class can, in this situation, be considered to be a part of the aforementioned class information, that underneath current registration policies is not available to the students. Moreover, the students of Molloy College’s Nursing program believe that the inability to view professors prior to registration of classes is discriminatory in its very nature. The Nursing students would not feel as slighted by the inability to see professors should this predicament face students across the spectrum of the majors of Molloy College. Students that are not Nursing majors are allowed to view professors prior to registration. This argument is strengthened by the notion that majors such as Education, Respiratory Care, and Speech Language Pathology/Audiology all also have equivalents of clinical courses but none of the students of the aforementioned majors are faced with the indiscretion that the students of the Nursing department are faced with while registering for classes.
As the majority of Molloy College’s population, the Nursing students of Molloy College urge the esteemed faculty to allow students the ability to make an informed decision, facilitate academic growth, and in turn produce not only content students but also better nurses.
We thank you for your time,
Molloy College Nursing Students, Families, and Friends