Richard Huang 0

Help me see my daughters again

156 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Richard Huang 0 Comments
156 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Hello everyone, I am asking for your help. My children’s mother is creating a narrative that I am an aggressive and hateful individual. For those that know me and know how much I love my daughters, please show some support by signing the petition. It’s to show that I am not this aggressive and hateful person. I am the primary caretaker as their mother works Monday through Friday, she would rather someone else than their father to watch over them during this time. A child needs both parents not just one. I respect their mothers choice in prioritizing her career first, but she cannot come to terms with me watching our two children while she is working. I want to be part of my children’s daily lives but I am being forcefully limited by this narrative by my children’s mother. My best interest is for my children. But the judge does not know me and your support will show the consistency in my character; that again this narrative that I am this hateful and aggressive individual is false and my best interest, my livelihood, is for my two beautiful girls.

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