Help Malesha

Malesha M. Johnson was imprisoned six months ago for two counts of Texas Penal Code Sec. 22.04, Injury to a Child, Elderly Individual, or Disabled Individual, which are felonies. The person who was found guilty of actually committing the crime, per CPS words, received one count of Texas Penal Code Sec. 22.04, Injury to a Child, Elderly Individual, or Disabled Individual and the second was dismissed and received 33 years. Malesha's lawyer pled guilty to the charges, stating of a lesser crime, believing she may have received a few years plus probation with no prior crimes, instead of what she was given, two 25 year sentences, able to serve concurrently.
Her family and friends believe that her sentence was harsher than it should have been and that she should have received a charge for criminal negligence instead of aggravated. When reading the difference, aggravated is when you caused the harm or knew of the harm. Criminal negligence is you should have known but didn't, which is her situation.
CPS took her children away from her and fought her family who were trying to get the children and bring them back to NY where they are all originally from. This had been an ongoing battle with CPS for the last year and a half. Two of the family have been granted visitation and once the trial is completed, if it goes the way CPS wants it, the children will be adopted out in Texas.
Malesha has taken parenting classes while in jail and received many certificates for completing them but may never see her children again as CPS had her sign over her rights. She is currently active in bible study groups and would like to further her education with college classes.
We are trying to get signatures to send to the Governor of Texas as well as the parole board for future reference. Please sign the petition if you are in agreement.