Help Keep Dr. Tubb at HHS!

This petition was made to show the voices of those who would like to keep Dr. Tubb, one of the best and longest running teachers, at Hillsborough. Dr. Tubb applied for a drop retirement plan given to government workers about 5 years ago. He also recently applied for an extension to continue teaching but says it is unlikely it will be granted. I asked his permission to make the petition prior to its creation so it would not undermine his own desire, if he wished to, retire. Dr. Tubb's ability to make math understandable and accessible to any one deserves to be recognized by honoring his request to remain at Hillsborough. Dr. Tubb is undeniably one of the best teachers I've ever had and has been able to help almost all IB kids who have gone through the program. Please help out by signing the petition and spreading the word!