Daniel Frye 0

Help Keep a convicted murderer in jail

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On September 15, 2009 three people walked up and opened fire as 25 year old Christopher McBath sat on his front porch on Better Tomorrow Drive in Western Heights, Knoxville, Tennessee. Christopher McBath was killed in the brutal shooting. Sadly, for Christopher's mother, Terry Walker Jefferson, this was the second child she had lost to violence in the neighborhood. On October 13, 2007, her oldest son Djuansay Freeman was also murdered. Two men, Shawn Lewis Payne and Trent Lamark Barton Jr., pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and were given long sentences. However, Monica Wright Jones, inmate #505417 who police believe was the third shooter was only convicted of facilitation of first-degree murder. Her motive was the mistaken belief that McBath had set her up for a drug arrest. For planning the brutal murder Monica was only given 15 years in prison. On August 8,2013 Monica Wright Jones will appear before the Tennessee Board of Parole and Probation to request early release after only serving three years in jail. Please sign this petition and let the parole board know that you do not believe 3 years is adequate time for taking someone's life. At the sentencing hearing Terry Walker Jefferson testified that Jones' actions were "evil" and that she had killed Christopher "in a brutal way, with no remorse…you have destroyed a family, taken a father away, taken away a precious life…you still have your life, your children, your mother. Your children can visit with you. And after a few years, you will be out walking the street again. Please help Terry Walker Jefferson honor her son's life by asking the parole board to keep Monica Jones in prison for her full sentence of 15 years. Evidence proved she was guilty. She did the crime and all the family is asking is that "she does the time."


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