Daniel Bellus 0


221 signers. Add your name now!
Daniel Bellus 0 Comments
221 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Dear fellow E15 Students,

Please sign this petition so that we can make possible the urgent improvement of the East 15 website;
If you believe that the East 15 website is in urgent need of fundamental and thorough redevelopment.

Defining urgent as: within a timespan of at most six months.

For more information, in case you're not convinced, please read on.
If not: We would kindly though urgently request you to sign,
it concerns each and every one of us!

We hope you all agree:

The E15 Website has, quite regrettably, been in an outmoded state for quite a while.

We cannot stress enough how important it is, in this day and age, for whatever institution to have a professional looking website: A website tailored according to how that institution wants to be perceived.
Unfortunately the East 15 website, our website, at the moment, in all honesty, does not resemble the website of one of the top drama schools in the UK, which I'm certain we all agree it to be.
As an acting school and as individual students, tutors; staff members; and every one else who in one way or the other is related to East 15, we all benefit from a good reputation. Unfortunately we will not ever realise to benefit from this reputation fully as long as our website does not resemble it.
Moreover, we believe a good website can improve the number of applicants and the school's allure to the professionals of the acting industry, thus improving not only the reputation of East 15, but also the reputation of the University of Essex.
We therefore need to convince the university of the urgency of improving our website. Eventually, it requires, in all relativity, a minimal effort from the university.
The rewards for all parties involved, and for you and us however, are immense.

The 2nd years BA Actors of E15, at Loughton.

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