Help Get Microplastics Off the Menu

PLEASE DON'T DONATE!! This is a school project please just sign it. We need good grades.
This petition is OUR start in radical change for the environment. This petition is the continuation for awareness of microplastics. This petition is the focus of environmental change in The North Shore.
In all seriousness though. Our class, our friends, our families and our lives are dependant on how we, as a community deal with the pollution in our waterways. The water we drink, the water we swim in, the water our food eats and swims in are all effected by our choices and our movements to change and bring awareness to the major problems in make up industries, seafood production industries, car and material manufacturers. These are places, things and issues that affect all of the population daily and without a change, these industries will become the downfall for climate change and further pollution around the world. Seafood, makeup or material production may not affect you directly but we bet that it effects someone you know. Its these connections and relationships that are needed to create active lasting change in our local comunities.
Our goal is to reach 1000 signatures on our petition by the end of 2020. Help us reach our goal, receive good marks on our assignments and more importantly change the community for the better.
This affects you too!
Charlotte C, Sophia A, Eleni M and Mia G