We, the residents of Seguin, Tx., and other interested parties, are respectfully requesting for the following improvements to be made to the existing Chaparral, Caters Parkview and Parkview Estates, as promised by the City of Seguin upon annexation of our communities in 1992.
1. Improvement of roads/infrastructure in Chaparral, Parkview Estates and Caters Parkview. *Most roads are single lane and do not accommodate for more than one vehicle on the road at a time. *Drivers have to pull off onto the grass in order to allow room for oncoming traffic.
2. Adding sidewalks, curbs and lighting in order to be brought up to current city code. *Those walking, jogging or riding bikes are in danger of being hit by oncoming traffic. This is a VERY IMPORTANT CONCERN FOR THEIR SAFETY!
3. Improve drainage throughout Chaparral, Caters Parkview and Parkview Estates subdivisions. *Many homeowners have to drive through 4+ inches of standing water in their driveways after heavy rains. *It also brings in many more mosquitos due to the standing water, which is a HEALTH RISK!
4. Bring in city sewer system to all homes, which was promised as well by the city upon annexation in 1992.
Homeowners have paid taxes to the city since it's annexation in 1992, With that annexation the city promised improvements to our neighborhoods. Those improvements are far overdue!! So, we are requesting at this time that the city place those improvements into their budget, allowing for whatever is necessary to bring our communities up to current city codes.