Sarah Ahmed 0

Help "All 4 the Love of Cats" Resist the Limitation of Cats Rescued and Displayed at Petsmart

Sarah Ahmed 0 Comments
1082 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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All 4 the Love of Cats is a non-profit cat rescue organization that takes in cats that are strays, abandoned, or most importantly, at risk of euthanasia. These cats are fully vetted and then put up for adoption at the Niles and Northbrook Petsmarts in Illinois. The Petsmart stores allow a great opportunity for the cats to be seen and adopted.

Currently, in the Niles Petsmart adoption center, there are 14 cages. Unfortunately, Petsmart management has declared that they want 6 cages out of the store within the next few days. By eliminating these cages permanently, All 4 the Love of Cats will lose the chance of saving the lives of cats that may otherwise be euthanized in local pounds. We need your help to show Petsmart that we need those cages to save the lives of these helpless cats. Please help us save these cages and allow more viewing and adoptions of these loving animals. They deserve a chance.

Thank you for being a voice & Please spread the word!

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