Citizen Shale 0

Western Maryland's healthy communities won't accept unhealthy Fracking

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A public health report released by the state of Maryland to the Governor's Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission, identifies negative health impacts of Marcellus shale development and makes 52 recommendations that may or may not mitigate those impacts.

According to the report, Unconventional Natural Gas Development and Production (UNGDP), known as fracking, poses risks from:

· air pollution

· water contamination

· traffic accidents

· exposure to carcinogens, endocrine disrupters, and other chemicals

Other states have seen evidence ofincreased rates of:

· birth defects

· domestic violence

· sexually transmitted diseases.

We are concerned that UNGDP will increase workloads for physicians, emergency responders, and social services personnel. Garrett and Allegany Counties are HPSA and MUA designated.

We are concerned that UNGDP will place financial burdenson our hospitals and clinics.

Governor O'Malley,

We the undersigned residents of Allegany and Garrett Counties ask the state to take additional time to develop adequate protections to address these risks.

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