Health Care for All!

Petition to all Delaware Elected Officials, State and Federal ======== AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE FOR ALL We live in the richest country in the world, yet 46 million people in the USA, including 9 million children, do not have health insurance. More than 60 % of them have jobs, but can simply not afford health insurance. Since medical costs are the leading cause for personal bankruptcies, the uninsured face a possible financial disaster. In Delaware 105,000 people out of 850,000 do not have health insurance. Our health is our most important asset. Yet, too many people do not receive needed care. Studies have shown that we pay double the amount of many other countries for health care, yet by many measures have poorer health results. Premiums continue to increase at alarming rates! Our health system is broken! There are excessive administrative costs; ask your doctor or caregiver. We undergo unnecessary tests and procedures to ward off liability threats, adding to healthcare cost. Businesses are shifting more of the health costs to their employees, both in premiums and copay. A large number of companies outsource jobs because of expensive health insurance; read the Chrysler and General Motors stories. For the dollars spent today on health care, everyone can be covered at less cost. States are taking action; among others: California, Maine, Massachusetts, Oregon, Vermont. In the US Congress several proposals have been introduced to cover everyone: House Resolution 676 by Conyers, Senate Bill 334 (The Wyden Bill or Healthy Americans Act). By signing this petition you are telling your state and federal legislators to get to work! Create a fair system for all. Cover everyone; reduce the waste, eliminate unnecessary procedures and paperwork. Get to work! Prepared by the Alliance for Health Care Reform at info@healthreformde.org