Protective Wind Energy Ordinance for Madison County Iowa Residents

- We respectfully request of Madison County Iowa Supervisors the following elements in a Wind Energy Ordinance to provide Health, Safety, and Welfare. You, as elected officials have taken an oath to provide protection for the residents of Madison County Iowa. We request you heed and honor the resolution and recommendations of our Madison County Board of Health, made up of several highly respected, highly educated members, who after months of research, using their education, experiences, and knowledge determined industrial wind turbines have potential health effects and recommended at least a 1.5 mile setback from a nonparticipating landowner’s property line. Rather than catering to a handful landowners wanting an extra income, the county administrators wanting a larger budget for wages, a large compensation package, and material items for the county, and also a large million dollar corporation.
1 plus mile setbacks from property lines
35 dBA Noise Limits not an average
ADLS Aircraft Radar Detection Lighting System
Bat Protection System
Shadow Flicker Detection System for ZERO Shadow Flicker
A Guaranteed Property Value Agreement for property within 2 miles of a wind turbine.
A Hard Surface Road Agreement or Taxation
A Blade Recycling Plan in Place not a promise of one
A Decommissioning Plan with Full removal of concrete from the ground Full Escrow
A Nonredacted Health and Safety Instruction Manual provided at application from the manufacturer, not the energy corporation, of the make, model, and type of the turbine to be permitted.
A Tree Planting Agreement to Aid in Climate Control for each Turbine planted.
Meaningful Environmental Testing by a third party.
We are residents, relatives, friends, tourists, concerned citizens and have signed this petition to request protection for Madison County Iowa residents and the county itself from the too invasive too harmful too expensive too many industrial wind turbines! Enough!