Keep the .5 Second Global Cooldown on HeroCraft
Ell Ron 0

Keep the .5 Second Global Cooldown on HeroCraft

18 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Ell Ron 0 Comments
18 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The next update of Heroes for HeroCraft Online will increase the global skill cooldown from half a second, to a full second. This is in an attempt to: Prolong battles Keep melee classes from being to bursty To assimilate with other RPGs. It backfires by: Causing the classes that are meant to be bursty (casters) to suffer. No longer can a wizard blink in, root, icebolt, fireblast, fireball, and run, he has to blink in, wait. Root. wait. Icebolt. DEAD We are meant to jump in, burst, jump out. Don't fuck the casters over because you want to prolong battles, or keep melee classes from being bursty. Find another way.  

By signing this petition you have a voice in saying that you want to keep the half second global cooldown between skills. Let your voice be heard!


United Caster Corps of Bastion Caster Association of Bastion Wizards United Beguilers for Love Bloodmage Brotherhood Caster Union for Bastion National Association for the Advancement of Caster People (NAACP)

Has the countdown to the Heroes Update on the front page. Let's get 100 before then!
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