Hermosa Beach Youth Basketball - 17 Point Rule

A large number of HBYB Coaches informally polled have been strongly in favor of retiring the 17 point rule for HBYB. Discussions with the HBYB Board have not yet changed their desire to keep it in place. With this in mind, we decided to send this to you to determine your thoughts on the subject. We believe the goal of the 17 point rule is admirable and was made with the best intentions in mind, however, we have seen such unfortunate and unforeseen consequences in the behavior of Coaches, kids, and parents from the exercises employed to stay under the 17 points that we are very confident that any possible benefit of the rule is far outweighed by the negatives in the real world. We believe the tactics one must employ as coaches to stay under 17 points makes a mockery of the game and the other team. Putting in your weakest players is usually not sufficient to get the job done, unfortunately. Note that no other youth sport your child plays has a similar rule that so alters the true game they are playing, be it soccer, baseball or anything else. No other South Bay youth basketball league has this rule as well. As parents, we should be teaching our children by example. Most of the coaches and parents in this league are wonderful role models. If there is a coach who intentionally runs up the score, the league should deal with that person individually. There may be other options like a \"mercy rule\" if a team is up by a certain number of points at the half or end of the third quarter. We do feel the 17 point rule, however well-intentioned, is not the solution, and we ask for your support by signing the petition and please feel free to add your comments (please be civil) with any alternatives you think should be considered. Thank you