Nicholas Headen 0

HBCU Game On

18 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Nicholas Headen 0 Comments
18 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

This is petition is a galvanized effort to get HBCU replica jerseys in regional, and local stores. Russel Athletic is the current manufacturer of Game Jerseys for our schools, however due to their disbelief of the high demand, they have not made the decision to mass produce, because of that our institutions are missing out on much needed dollars and have been for a long time now. When high dollar items like replica jerseys are sold in stores, those funds are split several different ways amongst the school, the conference of the school, the NCAA, the manufacturer, the store that sold it, and the state it was sold in. With those funds schools are enabled to offer more scholarship, invest more in recruitment, as well as make campus upgrades such as academic building. The jersey’s visability in the store alone is good for the institution especially when it looks good, or is designed with a certain swagger. This not only entices patrons to purchase, but for those who don’t know, it makes them eager to learn about what institution the garment represents, which leads to a potential student. For far too long, our Histically Black Colleges and Universities have not reaped the rewards of either scenario. This petition is a chance for HBCU alums to join together, and send a strong message to Russel Athletic that there is a demand for high dollar items such as replica jerseys featuring the schools that are so beloved by us. The prove is in the history. The 1st HBCU was Lincoln University established In 1854 in Pennsylvania. Since its inception up to the present year 2013, 105+ institutions have flourished bearing fruit to some of the world’s most brilliant minds, and personalities. Given that fact, the demand is in the math. 105+ institutions, with graduating class sizes varying from the hundreds to the thousands, over the span of 155 years (based on today’s collegiate standards, putting the 1st graduating class of Lincoln U. at 1858.) Some of these personalities are visible on the entertainment arena of our country, such as Terrance J (NC A&T c/o 2004). Personas such as this, would be easy to build an endorsement campaign around to launch the sell of these items. But first they have to know that the demand is there. This petition is calling for every living and breathing person who has ever been to, walked the halls of, slept in a dorm room of, graduated from, enjoyed a homecoming, football game, stepshow, concert, symposium, seminar, church service at an HBCU since 1854, to sign this petition to give Russel Athletic and other athletic manufacturers, a clear picture of the demand to have our schools visable in stores for fiscal and marketing opportunities that we have gone without for far too long.

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