Havenbrook dog park
Linda Ristevski 0

Havenbrook dog park

16 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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To: Re: Off Leash Dog Park Proposal at Havenbrook Park in Henry Farm

Henry Farm Residents

Further to a recent HFCIA newsletter article and the discussions with City Councilor Shelley Carroll at the Henry Farm Annual General Meeting on Tuesday November 5, 2019 in respect to the Off Leash Dog Park Proposal at Havenbrook Park in Henry Farm, the HFCIA executive is aware that there are a significant number of residents in Henry Farm who support as well as oppose this proposal and therefore HFCIA will not take a position on this matter.

The wish of the HFCIA is to provide and an equal opportunity for those in support of the Dog Park and those opposed to the Dog Park to register their position in a petition found on the Henry Farms Web site. Further, we want to inform the residents of the process related to the approval of the off leash park communicated by Councilor Carroll at the Henry Farm AGM.

The primary concern of those who oppose the proposal is the increased traffic and the parking problems that maybe created in the residential streets surrounding Havenbrook Park. Currently, the streets surrounding the park, are at times, jammed with cars parked by Henry Farm residents and outside visitors who travel by car to use the Park and Ravine (throughout the year) and the Baseball field and Tennis Courts in the warmer months. Those opposed feel adding a Dog Park will make the existing parking and traffic problems worse.

Process for consideration of an off leash dog park at Havenbrook Park as communicated at the Henry Farm AGM by Councilor Shelley Carroll is as follows

1. City Staff have identified Havenbrook Park as the only potential site in the Don Valley North Area for a off leash dog park

2. City Staff will decide if Havenbrook Park is an appropriate site.

3. If Havenbrook is approved as an appropriate site for an off leash dog park City Staff will have a public meeting to assess the community support for the off leash dog park

4. The off leash dog park will not be approved if there is significant opposition to the dog park by the community at the public meeting

Residents of Henry Farm can register their petition in support or rejection of the off leash dog park proposal by providing the following information by email to president@henryfarm.ca and councillor_carroll@toronto.ca or completing the petition on our website www.henryfarm,ca

Off Leash Dog Park at Havenbrook Park - enter (Support) or (Reject) : _______________________

First Name : _________________________

Last Name: ___________________________________

Home Address in Henry Farm: _________________________________________________________

Phone or Email address: ______________________________________________________________

We will keep the residents informed of future developments on this matter.

Thank You

Namby Vithiananthan


Henry farm Community Interest Association

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