Harvard Keep the Meat Initiative

Dear Harvard University Hospitality and Dining Services: There is a large group of students that, while fully supporting a move towards a more sustainable university, is against reducing the amount of meat served in campus dining halls. Looking at the HUHDS menu (http://www.foodpro.huds.harvard.edu/) for September 22, 2010, only four out of 25 listed items were NOT labelled 'vegetarian' or 'vegan.' While the oversimplified 'organic is better' argument is complex and controversial, there are many issues that Harvard faces in terms of its ecological footprint. Why not consider switching to fiberglass+urethane window frames to prevent thermal leaks? Or reduce the amount of water that is used to maintain the grounds? How about using ladders to hang up banners around the campus for events instead of diesel cherry-pickers (isn't it ironic that all the Green is the New Crimson signs were hung up with diesel-powered vehicles?) HUHDS and fellow students respect vegetarians and vegans for their moral, personal, or religious choices; we ask them to do the same for the majority of us that eat meat for our own reasons.