Ashley Forestier 0

Harry Potter universe made by Supernatural??

13 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Ashley Forestier 0 Comments
13 people have signed. Add your voice!
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This is a petition to hopefully get the creators of supernatural or someone similar in talent to make a Harry Potter universe television show.

The show starts off with a prologue of the deathly hallows (what they are, how they were created, why they’re important) and some tidbits about the hidden wizarding world, then it transitions to the show where the first season or two is about the founders of Hogwarts, the next two or three seasons would be the mauraders era (preferably in year 6 up until James and Lily’s death), then the golden trio era would more then likely be the largest chunk of the show season wise as we would like every detail possible in their era, then lastly the next generation era which would more then likely be intertwined with the cursed child saga and it could be split into 2-3 seasons as well. Of course, during all of this we would also see glimpses of both dumblores past and Voldemort’s as well, in both flashbacks and real time.

The reason we would like the creators of supernatural to make it if they would be willing to is because we know they wouldn’t mess anything up and they would give us all a extremely epic show just like they have with supernatural, but we would be open to someone with equal talents to them as far as making it.

It would also give a lot of people a chance to start their careers in acting as there would be a lot of changing cast and a lot of reoccurring cast.

Please sign this and share with everyone that would love this possibility and maybe we can get a visual we can all love of the Harry Potter universe.

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