Harold M. Brathwaite Extra Curricular Crisis

For those already unaware of Bill 115 which was passed not long ago, it stated that Ontario teachers salaries would be frozen for 2 years and has taken away their right to strike. (http://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-passes-anti-strike-bill-for-teachers-unions-declare-war-1.950981) ( http://www.torontosun.com/2012/09/11/teacher-bill-poised-to-become-law) As part of this bill the teachers were also taken away their right to collectively bargain with school boards, violating their Charter of Rights and Freedoms (The freedom of association) Teachers decided that they would boycott all extra curricular activities as their stand against this injustice. Students everywhere are outraged and would like these activities reinstated immediately. This petition is nothing more than a plea to the teachers from students, parents and anybody, who could care less about these affairs, to find another way to protest and take a stand. We, the students, would like our extra curricular activities back.