Harmonized Tax UNACCEPTABLE!
signers. Add your name now!
signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed
just now
Adam B. signed
just now
We the people of British Columbia, strongly oppose the proposed legislation to harmonize the consumption taxes (GST and PST) in our province - Thank You - Kevin D'Costa
We are a group of private citizens opposed to HST regulations.
On receiving a sizable number of signatures, the petition will be e-mailed to Premier Gordon Campbell for further consideration and favourable action.
We will follow up with sending a copy to the major news outlets as well.
British Columbia was touted as a Province that was favourable to small businesses. It is the Small Business sector that is floating the ecocnomy, what ever happened to the come - Live, Work & Play attitude. It is now time to stand up & rise against such bullying tactics & behaviour. Come - join us and be a force to be reckoned with, this is a call for ACTION and support.
We can achieve favourable results when our ability is combined with "zeal" and the "capacity" for hard action!
You can also send a message directly to Premier Gordon Campbell: premier@gov.bc.ca
Please also tell your friends and family members about this petition and call for action.