Caily Strachan Nova Scotia 0

Hants east bus route!

117 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Caily Strachan Nova Scotia 0 Comments
117 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

East Hants area is constantly growing As you can easy see on a day to day basis just driving through our communitg our roads are incredibly busy and it is not uncommon to have traffic jams during "rush" hour. The number of large residential buildings being built in the Lantz-Enfield area is a example to how much the population has increased since 2011 alone. The need for public transportation to and from halifax area is a MUST!.

There are so many people who have no transportation in and around this area and a bus route would be so much more efficient!!

Please sign the petition and provide feedback on why you think the public transportation is needed in the Enfield/Elmsdale area of East Hants.

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