Keep speed restrictions in the Hunter Valley
Carl McNeil 0

Keep speed restrictions in the Hunter Valley

79 signers. Add your name now!
Carl McNeil 0 Comments
79 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Doc Otago conservator, Jeff Connell Minister of Conservation, Tim Groser Fish and Game Otago Area Manager, Niall Watson Queenstown Mayor, Clive Geddes Councillor and Deputy Mayor John S Wilson (Wanaka ward). Chief Executive, Duncan Field Councillor Lyal Cocks (Wanaka ward) Councillor Leigh Overton (Wanaka ward) Jude Battson (Wanaka Community Board) Dick Kane (Wanaka Community Board) Ken Copland (Wanaka Community Board) Carrick Jones (Wanaka Community Board) We the undersigned protest the lifting of boating speed restrictions on the Hunter River. We believe that Jet boat activity on the Hunter River is incompatible with existing users and is in direct conflict with the intrinsic wilderness features of the valley. By effectively allowing jet boat activity in the Hunter Valley existing users are being displaced and are exposed to potential danger. Recent jet boat accidents, injuries and deaths in the Southern Lakes district are cited as evidence of said risk. We believe that speed restrictions on the Hunter river should never have been lifted by the Queenstown lakes District Council, and that Jet boats are already well catered for within the region. There is ample sufficiency of waterways, backcountry and otherwise, that can be used by jet boaters throughout the Southern Lakes area. We believe that by ignoring the majority vote of the Wanaka Community Board to retain restrictions and recommendations from Otago Fish and Game the Harbourmaster and QLDC have not acted in the best interests OF ALL HUNTER VALLEY USERS, and that they acted against clear recommendations from organisations that represent the vast majority of effected users, rate-payers and license holders. The reasons given by the QLDC to lift speed restrictions on the Hunter River are a farce. We wish to send a clear message to the QLDC that these actions are unacceptable. The undersigned have 'no issue' with Jet boat users per-se. We are happy to share the valley with jet boat owners, not their boats. We respectfully request that the QLDC give us all a fair go and take immediate steps to reinstate and retain jet boat restrictions in the Hunter Valley. Sincerely,


Full background can be found here

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