Sign to Support: Hands of Diversity

Hello all ! This is a petition to help save the possible closing of Hand of Diversity, a transitional living facility, which houses and assists ex-drug addicts to become drug-free. This program is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The founder and director Nate Green has went to court to get his zoning approved for the properties that he resides the clients. The courts ruled a denial. With this ruling, it is possible that Nate may have to shut down this program. Hands of Diversity have many people throughout the years and changed lives in a positive manner. The program is ranked number two in drug & alcohol programs that assist ex-drug addicts. Nate Green works hard everyday to make sure his clients are on the right path to staying clean. He is not funded by the government nor the state, his money from his pockets along with help from the neighborhood and other contributors make this program a success ! With just a signature, you are able to show your support ! Every signature counts toward this great effort, thank you for your support !
This is the link to the program's website, feel free to check it out !